
Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Lehigh-Lafayette

This topic contains 20 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Bill 14 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2755


    I’m very happy we won the game but somehow I’m not sure we deserved to. I am so sick of the overuse and untimely use of the wild cat formation. Let’s hope we get a home game and play our best game of the year next week. Go Lehigh!


    We really have not played a ‘good and complete’ game since Colgate. Last three games all had sloppy and seemingly unfocused first halfs. The team then comes out and takes control. Again, dropped/tipped passes that should be caught and innumerable stupid penalties (especially the personal fouls). Really puts undue pressure on the team to overcome such mistakes and makes people press.



    the running game disappeared also…..


    Other than some key defensive play when necessary, this almost looked like an exhibition/practice game.

    The lack of pressure on LC’s QB for most of the early part of the game was surprising, and I was shocked they got any yards on the ground. Some guys seemed to get more playing time than usual. I think Cribbs had a KO return and Kennedy had two receptions.

    The wildcat, while effective a couple of times, was ineffective at times, too.

    That goal line stand was impressive, as was the play of Groome, Pierce and Rivas, in particular — and two of them are back

    I kept thinking Lehigh was going to put the game away in the third and early fourth quarters, was disappointed they did not. They seem to have the talent.

    If LU plays offense like this next week, it’s going to be a long day …



    Yes, a win. But . .. .

    This Lehigh team is really quite average, don’t you think? This group will be seriously outclassed in the playoffs. Gosh, all those penalties, a weak quarterback who throws poorly, a pedestrian offensive scheme. Also agree with Big Fan about Jim Finnenn vs. the PA man at Lehigh. The Lehigh PA guy’s awful and has been for many years. What a contrived voice. Yuk!


    We probably should not complain about Pard’s sense of entitlement as it sounds much the same as we did when Coen took over.

    I think some have a skewed view of average. We are not as good this year as 2001. Does that make us average?
    Team has improved quite a bit over the year. Now confident. Must rein in stupid personal fouls. Running attack still at best pedestrian. OL pass blocking fine, run not so much very inconsistent. QB play solid more good plays than " what the h*ll" plays. D is deep and good. Anyone else watch Winnett on Sat?



    Strength of the team is on the defensive side of the ball. Have not allowed more than two touchdowns in a game since the NH game. Defensively, we are a lot closer to the Higgins era teams, which had strong LBs like this team. Big difference is that Higgins teams were very disciplined and did not commit stupid penalties.



    this is a much better team than the team that started the season…

    rematches against Villanova and New Hampshire, among FCS’ best, would yield a lot closer and more competitive games….



    "Neighbor" wrote: Yes, a win. But . .. .

    This Lehigh team is really quite average, don’t you think? This group will be seriously outclassed in the playoffs. Gosh, all those penalties, a weak quarterback who throws poorly, a pedestrian offensive scheme.

    Only Neighbor could find a way to complain about a 9-2 season, undefeated in Patriot League play, a team that has been the Leopards three years in a row, a team who overcame a three-score deficit to beat a Harvard team that has been our daddy the past three years, and will be playing a playoff game when the rest of the PL will be preparing for 2011. If this is "average", I’ll gladly take it, thank you. It’s good enough for me.



    Speaking of entitlement – I note that the wonderful Lafayette Band and Dancers are entitled to 75-80% of half time, I guess as a result of one practice a week. As compared to the 97 which was practicing on the Lacrosse Field at 6:30 Friday Night when I arrived for the wrestling meet.

    As a result of this abbreviated opportunity, for the first time since, when, (Maybe 1963 after JFK assasination- Historian?) the Marching LEHIGH, the Marching HGIHEL, and the Alma Mater were not performed. Actually the Alma Mater was played by the band at midfield during the victory celebration. And this year the band is clearly the biggest in at least 25 years, with about 87 members. Noticed that the bleachers set up for the 97 could not have seated 37.

    Their announcer has a great voice, otherwise the Pards have become the most classless program around.


    "The Marching LEHIGH, the Marching HGIHEL, and the Alma Mater were not performed."

    I can’t believe they didn’t give the 97 time to do this!

    It’s great the 97 is now 87, as opposed to 37. It has a great tradition, one that with co-ed status ought to read every year.

    They’re one of the highlights of going to a Lehigh game.



    Just to pick a nit or two, I counted 91 band members at Stabler this season. Dunno how many of them were "ringers" who were marching butnot playing, but who cares? I didn’t do a head count at Laughayette.
    I don’t recall them ever getting down to 37, unless you count one of the weekends where the Jewish holidays fall. They were at 57 for many years. JJH



    John, I counted somwhere around 87-92 at Goodman :), for both Bucknell and Colgate . I don’t know if that included some Alumni who were marching everyweek, although there was a separate alumni band at the Bucknell game – or if there were as you suggest non playing marchers.

    What I meant about 37 (and I agree I never saw the band with fewer than mid 50’s excepting a couple rainy days at Lewisburg, not in uniform, and the BU band not showing) is that they had a tiny temporary bleacher set, maybe 4 rows of 20 feet length that could not have seated near half the 97.

    By the way, they got read of temp fan seating at Goodman for Laughiet about 5 games ago. we should seat 18,000-20,000 for the game, and will likely sell well over 16,000 unless both teams have like 3, wins and rain is forecast. I wonder if it is somekind of silly political correctness, that we should not humilate the Pards by having 125% of their stadium capacity. I don’t think Yale cuts the Bowl size from 70,000 to 45,000 (Harvards Stadium Siz)e when they host the second BIGgest GAME.

    Of course now is time for me to throw in a "why don’t we get lights, and host HS playoff games"? Sheesh, we have a lighted Field Hockey field with 400 seats.


    Hey Rich, donate for the lights and they will name it after you!

    Murray Goodman stadium lighted by RichB


    I agree that LC’s "band" taking up the halftime time was classless and the practice of high schools. The ’97 practice very hard for their marching formations each week. As for the Marching LEHIGH, the band DID perform it on the practice area BEHIND the visitors stands. I could hear the fight song being played and people on the top row were looking north clapping in time. It is tradition for the seniors to be able to play that on their last performance, and it is tradition for us to have it played at every halftime. I say freeze the Leopard’s asses off the field completely next year. They don’t need to be out there anyway, they’re only a pep band that just sits on the asses and can’t march. Let ’em stay in the stands and blow themselves to their hearts content.

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