Lehigh / marketing staff

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Lehigh / marketing staff

This topic contains 22 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  harrymatrion 9 years ago.

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    Just wanted to put this out there. I been going to game since cj was here. And let me tell you. The whole in game experience at stabler is very weak and has not changed at all. There is no home court advantage at stabler. A few things that bother me. There is no buzz in the arena at all. Even for are starting lineups no music is played. During timeouts no pump up music is played coming out of a timeout. The games they play at stoppages is just a joke. Blind fold foul shot where they spin you around 5 times. Tic tac toe. Not to mention they lost one of the red pieces for the game now have a paper plate colored in red. The half court shot for a candy bar or a hoagie. Come on. Lafayette is giving away 1000 bucks from Easton coach for a made half court shot. They been playing the same music for 5 years now. It truly is sad. Switch the games up. Do some new stuff. The act is so stale. Not to mention they can’t even get the music to play half the time the dance team comes out for 10 sec dance. Truly embarrassing. I been saying this for a few years. Even the little stuff like Lafayette does. Free programs. Music that gets fans into game. Music for lineups. Different games and things they do for stoppages. Lehigh need to taken some notes


    My step dad runs bus trips all over he put our a trip for the Lafayette game next week. He has a brunch before game at the Meadows and purchased 100 tickets for the game. He was in contact with Richie hass. He has sent hass numerous emails. The first one asked how many tickets needed to be purchased for a group rate. Rich responded in 20 mins. 5 mins later my dad sent another email in regards to advertising signs on the sideline for next year. Also he is a tasty kake salesman. And said he would be interested in donating tasty kakes for the half court shot or anything else. He stated in the email to Richie he has over 5000 people on his email list and could get some more people in the stands. Not a single response. He has sent 2 more emails and still hasn’t heard a word from rich.


    This all started when my step dad asked Richie if he has anyone to sing the anthem for the game next Sunday. May I add this was over 2 months ago. Rich never responded. Anyway at one of the games. Rich ran into my dad. And totally bull shi@ted his way out of it. Claiming he didn’t check his email. And he’s not sure what’s gonna happen with the anthem. Which is fine. But at least respond and say he we have someone. Or I’ll get back to you. I find it very odd when asked him about group rates Richie responds right back. But to the other few emails not a word. Very very poor way to run things on his behalf. I guess rich don’t want to change anything at stabler or make more money. The whole marketing gig is very poor. I just can’t believe in a position rich Is in he can’t even write back a simple email. I said it all along. If we couldn’t pack that place with cj we never will. But they sure as hell could change stuff up. And get that place rocking again. Like the American game. Had youth group nights and the place was packed. I don’t get it. We are going to email the athletic director because we obviously don’t get anywhere with Richie. Very very poor way to handle business.


    Sorry for the long post. Just want to see stabler an exciting place to watch a game and a home court advantage again. Are dance team comes out for 15 secs and it’s just bad. I see hs dance teams every week blown the roof up the gym. Are Cheerleaders look like they don’t even want to be there. Whoever is running things needs to take a look around and really make some changes. Going to Lafayette and Bucknell really made me realize how poor everything is run.



    Sorry to hear your (and your dad’s) experience has been so crappy with the marketing ppl. I’m gonna bet that Rich is simply over-loaded. On the upside, I also think that the shortfalls have been noticed. I’m hoping that the decision to hire an external sports marketing firm for next year came from a realization that we can and should do better. We’ll see.


    Yea todd I don’t know what it is but we found it funny when we asked about tickets he responded right away. About anything else he gets no reply. A simple yes no or I’ll get back to you is the professional way to handle things. What makes u think the short falls have been noticed. I sure hope they have been because it’s truly bad. It’s a shame



    I have a pair of those tickets you alluded to. I didn’t know he was your stepfather. He runs great trips.


    Yes ha. What’s your name.



    The in game experience leaves a lot to be desired. We have lamented on this in detail in older posts.

    The product on the floor is good, as in PL basketball, in general. But, Stabler is beyond stale. Jumbotron and a legit sound system would go a long way. I would think with some real vision, Stabler could be really good. I also think Stabler and the Lehigh Valley could support some smaller suites, which are big stadium income driver.

    Although, I have been to a bunch of other places that are just as bad. Princeton is awful as well.


    Stabler does have potential. But the marketing dept needs help and I wish would listen to fans. Many people I talk to feel the same way. The other night they had a kid for the foul shooting contest not even facing the basket. It’s just awful. Need to come up with more in game activities for stoppages of play. Need to have more youth nights. Need to have kids under 12 free night. Lehigh still makes money because those kids are going to eat and drink at game. Fill these seats up. It just seems they are doing nothing to change for almost five years now. Probably longer but that’s how long I been a season ticket holder. Please nobody take this as I am trying to bash the university in anyway. We are just stunned at the ignored emails and no response. Like my dad said. I’m sure they don’t get to many people going up and buying 100 tickets at a time for a game. Better follow up would be nice.



    Consider that Sales and Marketing for a University that funds 23 athletic programs is a pretty huge responsibility for anybody when you consider everything that it encompasses. Rich works really hard and is the AD of Sports and Marketing but his staff is really quite small. He has a Director of Business Development which may be the guy your stepfather should be talking to (Travis Spencer). He has a couple of ticket managers and a couple of grad students.
    Just my opinion but perhaps we should start there.


    Do u have an email address for him. Like I said. I’m not on here to take shots at rich or anything. I met him one time. Seems like a nice guy. We just both found it odd how he didn’t respond to emails. Esp after purchasing 100 tickets. But I see your point tmh


    What’s your name tmh. I’ll let ted know I spoke with you


    Tmh I found the email address we will go from there. I wasn’t trying to start anything major about this topic. Just wanted to put some thoughts out there. A lot of people at games say the same things and just hope to see improvement in the next years to come. Sat night vs American is how stabler should be for every home game.



    I hear everything you are saying and not denying any of it. You may even want to tell Rich that you would like to be part of a focus group over the summer when things slow down. You have a lot of valid complaints and good ideas. See you at the Meadows?
    Tom Hoh

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