Lehigh trip to syracuse

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Lehigh trip to syracuse

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  toddcudd 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    I know there will be a lot of people interested in going to this game. Was curious. Do u guys think lehigh will offer some sort of bus trip up there? My step dad runs bus trips for a living if he is around I was gonna see if he would be able to set something up. But if anyone else hears of anything let me know please. I wonder when tickets will go on sale. Hopefully we can all make a road trip to the cuse.

    Ps. We will be watching games again at stabler in no time. 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀



    There has been talk of a doubleheader with football vs Colgate on Saturday and even a tripleheader with lehigh wrestling Minnesota on Sunday, all within 2 hours of each other. I don’t think that enough interest was generated to put together either trip. Hopefully I will see Rich Haas this weekend and I’ll try to find out what is going on from Lehigh’s end.


    Ok sounds good. Yeah I’m just interested in going to the basketball game But Im curious if lehigh is going to run buses or anything



    It is still early but I was told that Lehigh is not running a bus to Syracuse. The South Side Boosters have also not announced anything yet. If enough interest is shown however, someone will run one.


    Wow. I know it’s early but I’m shocked they aren’t running a bus up. I’m sure quite a few would like to head up. I’m going to see if my step dad could organize something. Would have to see if we could find 45-55 people willing to take the trip.



    If the larger interest isn’t there, a smaller group of us could rent a van, maybe. Just a thought.

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