Lehigh's Recruiting Needs?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Lehigh's Recruiting Needs?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by RichH RichH 15 years, 1 month ago.

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    http://lehighfootballnation.blogspot.co … blitz.html

    I weighed in on what I thought Lehigh’s recruiting needs are this offseason. I’m looking at a recruiting class of modest size (maybe 20 athletes). Click the link for my full analysis.


    Having a limited number of ‘spots’ available will make it much more difficult in zeroing in on our most critical needs. Winnett has actually lost two full years of elligiblity to injuries. Certainly will be eligible for an extra year. Walker, as well, may be eligible for an extra year with all his injuries? Good quality linemen, both sides, are always key. The games are won or lost in the trenches. Good RBs can look great with a very good OL.


    Do expect a smaller class 20-25. Only need is at FB. Best athletes any position. LM ,O and D some dbs, lbs for year after next.

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