LU 8 HC 5

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Lacrosse LU 8 HC 5

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  propriala 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    A win over improving team. D strong, O still shaky. Still not a top squad.



    I knew that losing the Lao-Gosney twins would hurt a little but there was so much depth and returning midfileders that I thought the transition would be nearly seamless on offense. I guess I was wrong. Perhaps we are just no sneaking up on teams like we did last year.



    Rich/TMH – you follow this closer than I, so quick ? for you. Buddy from work played big time lax from north jersey a ways back, and was telling me that we got a stud in Ray Mastroianni, but I’ve not even seen him in the box scores yet this year…if he hurt? Is he just not good enough right now? He won big time accolades in HS, and I thought he had a shot to play this year, and my buddy said he figured by UMass he’d be top line midfielder…any updates are appreciated?



    I honestly don’t know except to say that he is a freshman needing to get used to the speed of the college game and for some reason that is beyond me, lacrosse rosters are huge. There are about 50 players on the roster. The next time I get on campus, I will ask around.


    Telesco only fr to see much PT. A HS A-A. Most games 24 or so play for us. Keven does not use fr early in season. Transition is very tough for most.



    Buddy from work played big time lax from north jersey a ways back, and was telling me that we got a stud in Ray Mastroianni, but I’ve not even seen him in the box scores yet this year…if he hurt? Is he just not good enough right now?



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