LU 80-65

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hawktalker 8 years ago.

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  • #30691

    A dominant W. Very good game. Actually shot very well over 50%



    Good win. Maybe best game of the season – Solid performance by GG and Q. I still question rotations and clock management. HC had two injured post players on the bench. Gibbons’ constant complaining cost him the first half. One of the refs had his number, call after call.



    Lehigh looked sharp today. Game of the year (so far) from GG.I hope it’s the start of something
    One caution: this Holy Cross team lost to Lafayette in Worcester on Wednesday.
    Agree with Ben about rotation. At one point in the second half with HH in foul trouble, BD ran point with KB on the bench

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