LU-FU: End of first half

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football LU-FU: End of first half

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by sundayamqb sundayamqb 15 years, 2 months ago.

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    Lehigh’s lucky to be in the ballgame. You can thank Cribbs’ two long returns for that. Too many mistakes, penalties and turnovers, once again.

    I’m watching on Fordham’s student feed: … dia=137197

    The announcers are talking about what a dangerous O Lehigh has, but is wondering why it — in the second quarter — was refusing to run the ball after having so much success on the ground in the first Q. It’s hard to come back from 2nd and 10, 3rd and 10, etc.

    Sloppy play and mistakes — Clark’s INT after Eldemire’s INT, giving up a chance to get a quick score from the FU 30, might have been the worst so far — seems amazingly inherent on this team.

    LU has had some nice plays, but the lack of its ability to put the game away when it has the chances is tough to watch.

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