media guide and new LU site

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football media guide and new LU site

This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 14 years, 6 months ago.

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    From LC board seems there are new rules limiting media guides in print for recruits. LC is not printing one this yr. Only on line.

    Not impressed with new site.. :( Perhaps I’m just used to the old one. Seems unnecessarily complicated. No separate page that I colud find listing media guides for all sports. Perhaps video aspects will be better but I liked old front page which let you scan all the recent news on LU sports and then click to sport or article. Front page now very limited. Giant picture not much info. Oh well I guess I’ll get used to it.


    :shock: Got a nice note back from Jeff. No more media guides at all per NCAA rules and economy. Same info will be on site just not in same format. I always enjoyed reading the printed one. Unlike the many younger generations behind me , I do not really need or want to sit in front of a computer all the time. Will miss them


    I hate this! I love my printed media guide..I take it to the games with me and refer to it all year when discussing/debating with others on AGS. This is not ‘new and improved.’………. :evil: :cry:



    I like the printed media guides too, but I’m sure it saves a boatload of money sending it out to be printed. A lot of things are moving to "internet/iPad/iPhone" only, and certainly things like previous year’s statistics. It’s strange, I admit it, but it seems like the direction things are going.

    Of course, you could always print it at home :D


    Nope not this year. No online version either.



    I have every Lehigh football media guide since 1958 in my library. It is surprising that they do not have one in a PDF format. They are very expensive to print, but the cost for a PDF version is small, just pay someone to write it and do the layout.


    I can’t find and "online version" to print. Roster is in one place, stats in another. If there is a PDF version somewhere please let me know so I can print some of it out!!

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