New wrinkle for PL recruiting

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football New wrinkle for PL recruiting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Per LFN, a few minutes ago, Fordham announced today that begining this year it is offering 4 yr guaranteed scholarships. Thoughts?



    I’m not sure that this varies much from Lehigh’s current policy. I’m not aware of any scholarships that were revoked for non-performance. I’m also very aware of several cases where scholarships were honored due to severe injury or illness. If some decides to leave the program unilaterally, that is another matter but I’d be surprised if Fordham is guaranteeing that.


    Not a lot for us,I agree. We have a very liberal aid policy. Under exigent circumstances ,always kept grant in place. For others,LU will usually convert grants to an aid package. Not the same at other PL schools. As far as I know,the issue has yet to arise with our schollie kids. Dont know about other PL. A good sales point fo FU recruiting tho.

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