No Decision on Scholarships

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football No Decision on Scholarships

This topic contains 11 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by van van 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    Looks like the presidents have decided to hold off on making any changes at this time …



    "Big Fan" wrote: What???


    What on god’s green earth is with these people?

    Fordham’s as good as gone now.

    Yeah, unfortunately you would have to assume that this means Fordham will no longer be playing football in the Patriot League as the result of this decision (or perhaps more accurately indecision). It would interesting to have more insight as to what exactly was discussed and what factors truly caused them to table the decision for the time being. My guess would be that there were more detractors than originally thought and perhaps putting the decision off was done rather than simply having it voted down (purely speculation).



    I agree with dcubbage7303…the votes probably weren’t there. The delay gives scholarship proponents two more years to convince one more school (I think it was probably that close) to approve scholarships. The economy may be better, endowment funds may be replenished by then. I worry though, that scholarships may be the issue that breaks up the Patriot League. It’ll soon celebrate its 25th anniversary. I’m not sure it’ll get to celebrate 30


    In two years, Colgate, Fordham, and Lehigh will still want to take their football program to the next level, Georgetown will still be 2-9 drawing less than most small high schools, Bucknell will still be basketball school, and the turd school in Easton will still be run by a jacka$$. What will ultimately change? I hope Chuck’s view of the future comes to pass. Like all good things, time moves on – let THE RIVALRY die if Laughingatit wants to think small. Let the pussies in Easton play in the Pioneer League and watch Fordham, Lehigh and Colgate demonstrate how you can actually match academics and athletics at a high level.

    I pray that Colgate and Lehigh ultimately do something dramatic prior to the next vote and force the league’s hand in this. Both schools, their alumni, and their fans deserve it.

    I didn’t think I could HATE the "institution" in Easton any more than I do, but I’m wrong. :evil: Third rate school with first rate facilities – God, they must be so proud.



    "hawkineer" wrote: In two years, Colgate, Fordham, and Lehigh will still want to take their football program to the next level, Georgetown will still be 2-9 drawing less than most small high schools.

    Georgetown fills 104% of capacity at the unfinished constuction zone that is the MSF. Hard to draw many more than that.



    The ancient Maya’s believed that the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012.

    That is about the time the presidents will again have to consider the issue of football scholarships. If the Maya’s are right then these guys will never have to consider it. Perhaps there is method to their madness.



    Good article today in the express times about the lead Lafayette booster (Bourges?) sp.

    While I don’t like Lafayette, I really like the way this man is portrayed. He is right on the money with his analysis of things!



    While I’m dreaming of a scholarship football league with an academic focus, how about this league:

    William & Mary
    Holy Cross
    Elon :lol:



    One problem with Bill’s proposed league: Holy Cross was believed to be opposed to the PL approving football scholarships.
    Other than that, I like it


    Take HC out and substitute Towson or JMU then.

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