OL Player Really a Boxer!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football OL Player Really a Boxer!

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    Constant Lehigh

    Lehigh football player punched out student, broke facial bones, cops say

    A New York State man listed as a student and football player at Lehigh University punched a fellow student, knocking him unconscious and leaving him with multiple facial fractures, according to police.

    It occurred about 12:30 a.m. Friday at an off-campus apartment in the 600 block of Pierce Street on South Side Bethlehem, court records say.

    Thomas Zuewsky, 21, of Woodbourne, allegedly came into the backyard of the home, began yelling and refused to leave.

    The victim saw Zuewsky yelling at another male and apparently about to engage him in a fight, according to police. The victim stepped in between Zuewsky and the other male and was punched, allegedly by Zuewsky.

    Knocked unconscious, the victim fell to the ground.

    The 6 foot, 4 inch, 300-pound Zuewsky left the yard, and the victim later sought medical treatment at St. Luke’s University Hospital in Fountain Hill, police said; the victim “had significant swelling and bruising to his right eye and multiple facial fractures resulting from the assault.”

    Zuewsky faces charges filed through District Judge Nancy Matos Gonzalez’s office of felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor simple assault and reckless endangerment.

    He had not been arraigned as of Monday afternoon



    can this kid play defense?



    If this kid plays defense for Lehigh than we all know that this story is not true because our defense cannot knock down anybody!!! Somebody had to say it!!!


    The last two posts would be funny if the story wasn’t true. Unfortunately the situation is (allegedly) factual. Hopefully the victim recovers. And if the reports are true, somebody’s probably going to jail. Not even close to funny.


    A WO player. A dumbass stunt.


    Can’t see where the aggravated assault comes into play. No weapon. Someone punches someone in the face. Simple assault,yes. If in response to just words, no defense. If someone threatened to hit first, there is the right to self-defense. Need to hear facts, but regardless, not good. Keep in mind, Lehigh’s one and only NCAA football championship occurred because our QB got a good lawyer and avoided the potential penalties this guy faces.


    I think I remember that….a punch at a DTD house party.


    [quote quote=32709]I think I remember that….a punch at a DTD house party.[/quote]

    Yep! Victim got a broken jaw. Learned today the player has been suspended from the team. Still in school awaiting ajudication.



    Just kids having some fun.

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