PL Championship Game

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL Championship Game

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LUHoops00 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Tony W. was fantastic, and under-appreciated by the guys calling the game. And they were honestly good. I hope TK watches some TW film in the off season – he put on a post-passing exhibition tonight. PeeWee was great – but didn’t do anything MM didn’t do this year. Difference was TW’s court vision. Low-scoring, likely to be the butt of jokes this week for the score, but IMO a great PL hoops performance.



    Wroblicky is a really nice player. How on earth can he shoot those 1 handed free throws? Amazes me every time I see it.



    Rode commuter rail with a guy who knows I am a lehigh and PL guy and he saw score of game last night and commented on lack of offensive output! Au played their game and suffocated bu on D.

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