Pl scholarships announcement today

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Pl scholarships announcement today

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 13 years ago.

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    Weiss press conference for PL to announce schollies


    Bucknell letter seems to indicate a done deal.


    2013 15 per year up to max of 60



    Am I the only one unsure of the ramifications behind this decision? The bogeyman may be Title IX. My son attends Duquesne and when they entered the NEC, they needed to provide football scholarships. The result was the elimination of baseball, golf, wrestling and men’s swimming plus additional scholarships for women’s lacrosse and volleyball. Is there any stipulations about allowing athletic scholarships in women’s olympic sports? Will this cause the elimination of some men’s sports on campus? This can be a very expensive proposition for a school Lehigh’s size.


    Unintended consequences prey on the back of my mind. No doubt they will improve PL football some orders of magnitude. No current plan to eliminate any sports, male or female at Lehigh. Issue for us will be matching aid proportionately on both sides. Sterrett has been preparing for at least 2 yrs for this day. I have confidence he has done so with his usual competence.

    Iexpect we’ll all be getting hit for donations. I will be more than happy to add to my yearly contribution


    Lehigh has been reported to be at 57 football need based equivalencies so moving to 60 merit based scholarships is a fairly small delta or Lehigh could stay at 57 merit based scholarships with no impact. Already in Title IX compliance at ~57. May or may not be as easy at some other PL schools.

    Roster size likely to go down a little, from say 100 to maybe 90.


    Being in Title IX compliance with need-based equivalencies is entirely different from being in compliance with scholarships. With the former policy, all that is required is to have the same standards for both genders; it doesn’t matter if far more money goes to male athletes if more of them qualify. With merit scholarships, the actual number of scholarship dollars must be roughly in proportion between males and females.


    No , LU not in same situation as lafayette. Over last 3 years Sterrett has amped up aid on women’s side. I cannot say that the amounts are exactly proportionate, but there is not a large discrepancy. I do expect total $$$ amount for aid to increase over the next 4 years. I fully expect togethit up for donations

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by RichH RichH.


    I’m confused Rich. Does the Patriot League allow athletic scholarships for any woman’s sport other than basketball? If not, how does a school like Lehigh who currently funds almost every sport imaginable for women other than Gymnastics meet the Title IX requirements? I suspect there will need to be much more relaxation of scholarship rules in the Patriot League or the elimination of men’s sports. I’m fairly sure tht there is much I’m not aware of though in this area.


    I dont know about any PL rules limiting merit aid for women. I’ll try to find out if any exist. My gut is that there isn’t one as there is none on the men’s side for all sports now . My point was that more $$$ are being spent on women’s side than 3 years ago. If I’m not mistaken LU does have an endowed schollie for softball.


    Pursuant to PL By-laws there are no restrictions on the type of aid offered to athletes whether male o r female other than for merit aid kids who must be represntative of the academics of their incoming class. Unlike football ,whcih currently has a PL wide AI floor, all other sports merit aid recipients need only be w/in the norms of their class



    Do varsity and club sports get treated differently for Title IX. Women’s rowing is varsity while men’s is club level. Rowing is often used as an offset for football since the teams size can be quite large.

    I thought ad nauseum discussions on Anygivensaturday site always came up with that Colgate and Lehigh accounted the need base aid in a way that was somehow consistent (more consistent?) with Title IX while Lafayette had used an accounting which set aside equivalent money but equivalent money was not dispersed (males athletes tended to have more need than female athletes). So it was viewed as a small net increase for Colgate and Lehigh while it was a big change for Lafayette.

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  engineer91.


    Club sports do not count. You are correct about Title IX issues. Pard problem in a nutshell is that while they budgeted sufficient $$ to seemingly comply school did not actually spend the $$. Legal then, but once factorin 60 merit scholarships , a school must actually spend a proportionate amount on women’s sport. Dont know about Gate but Dean Joe has been preparing us for last 3 yrs. There will be a gradual switch over next 3-5 years in football to merit aid. Also , a similar progression in women’s sports. I expect total aid package will increase somewhat but not any mind boggling number. Do expect to get hit for some more donations .

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