Question from a visiting fan

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Question from a visiting fan

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lehigh90 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hello, BU fan here.

    I was wondering how Stabler Arena is set up for visiting fans. Are all of the seats “assigned?” Basically, I’m wondering if its worth it to go through BU to get tickets near the BU bench or if should just show up and buy them at the box office. And if you have that info for Lafayette too, I’d appreciate it!


    For most games showing up will get you decent seats usually. No idea on Pards. Best bet go to their Board for accurate opinions



    My honest suggestion is to get your tickets from BU. It is not a matter of getting a ticket. There will be plenty available. On game day however, the ticket office is really sporadic on what seat will be given to you and unless there has been an upgrade, the process is laboriously slow. You will be guaranteed a seat on the lower level behind your bench by going through BU.



    Apparently you haven’t heard. We draw 900 fans at home. No shortage of seats.

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