Recruiting article in Express

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Recruiting article in Express

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    B&W article on impact of Duke win and lax, Fball,Bball and Sball success. Goes into how coaches rate recruits on 1-5 scale. Highest being star athletes. Coaches estimat’d that there are 50 of the hivhest ramked recruits on campus. An amazing number of our recruits apply for early admission. I’ll leave it to you youngsters to put up link. Well worth the read.



    Thanks, clear that recruiting has improved markedly no doubt in part did to Bball success. Another perhaps larger factor is the quality of the coaches at LU. Reed, Troyans, cassesse,Coen , Santoro et al. 50 top ranked kids in this yr’s frosh class a good start. Imagine what merit aid will do for next yr.



    IMHO, the Troyans have recruiting down to a science. I think that they have 5 or 6 of the 50 between them for last year and already definitely have 3 for next year’s class.


    They are amazing. She certainly has 3. He has at least 1 if not 2. It will be interexting to see how scho lies and increased rep affect football recruiting. Reed off to a good start.


    My question is what was going on in 2007.  The article mentions the year twice.  Once as the last time we had such a high % of athletes apply early decision and second as the last time there were this many “ones” and “twos.”  What as going on in 2006-2007 to make our recruiting efforts so fruitful then?  And what happened in the subsequent 4 years?

    I do agree that this seems to be a golden era for Lehigh sports which makes me wonder why one only has to go back 5 years to find a comparable period of recruiting success.  Anyone else pick up on that?  I would also be very interested to hear the perspective of a long time coach like Sean Leary who has not seen a significant bump in performance over the last few years.  Have the increased recognition of the university in fball, lax, and basketball not translated to baseball recruiting?

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by StablerBum StablerBum.

    2007 brings nothing to mind for me. Serendipity perhaps or extraneous factors unrelated to recruiting. Leary has gotten a preseason A-A kid from NJ just yesterday. My Q with Leary is why cant he recruit Cal or Fla as well as Troyan.



    RichH, Bring me up to date on your recruiting news. In re the Troyans, for 2013, Sue has gotten verbals from 2 excellent recruits (Burton 4* & McCloskey 3*) and Fran has 1 (Cole Pre-season 1st team AA). Who is the baseball recruit? Inquiring minds want to know :-).

    I’m not sure who we were refering to in the recruiting Class of ’07. That class would have graduated in May. The basketball team did not graduate many. Lacrosse returns the bulk of their team. 2 of the 3 AA wrestlers red-shirted a year. I’m sure there were quite a few in the Olympic sports but no different than other years.


    I looked back also. I have Fball going back to Hank’s last yr. I did not see a sudden burst with quality of recruits.
    Leary has gotten his usual # of decent local kids. Yesterday ,he got Connor Donovan P-IF from Pennington Sch. A preseason A-A.




    You may have missed it but I posted an article on Connor Donovan a few weeks ago. If you’d like to read it, it’s in the other sports section. He has a strong arm although I suspect he is being groomed as a 3rd baseman. I welcome him to Lehigh and can’t wait to see his talent.


    Thanks, TMH. Got the article on my google feed when I posted. Should remember to check the date.

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