
Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Short-handed

This topic contains 52 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Different category, I think. Some are “recruited” or “preferred” walk-ons. I believe they’re told that they’ll get a shot, but won’t get a schollie.



    I wouldn’t count on a ton out of Wolf. If you are 6’11” and can’t get a full ride, that shows that this guy is nowhere near ready to play D1 basketball. If he was, at that size, he would have a ride somewhere. Look back at some of the guys that size we had on scholarship who couldn’t play. He is not even at their level. Surplus practice big body, 5 fouls, can’t count on much else. Most we have gotten out of a recent walk-on was a few buckets from Tyrone Staggers, a few years back.

    A look at the Williston Northampton website doesn’t list him as a top 2-3 scorer in any game this season. Not sure if he is playing.

    We look to have 3 projects on the roster next year in Wolf, Sedore and Lieb. Size is nice, but if they can’t play, I’d rather have 5 guys 6’5″ in the PL.


    Wolf I agree sounds like a project. However, if recovered, Lieb may be a bit better than a project. Two stars and a nice review by ESPN don’t guarantee anything. But at least he’s been reviewed against decent competition in the Chicago area. Sedore is really an unknown quantity. Dominated against Lilliputian competition in arctic upstate New York.

    Sedore, Holba, and Alston have been prominent on the bench at games for some time now. When they stand up there’s no doubt which one is Sedore.


    A year for Sedore likely better than not fot him. A chance to mature and hopefully add strength and weight.. Agree on Lieb but he is not an inside player. Holba and Alston are the immediate keys for next year. Scoring,athleticism and rebounding. Andree will help off the bench woth instant O. Cohen a plus. TJ has developed this year as a solid PG off the bench.


    Rich, I’m with you on TJ. Very impressed with his progress. Far more than I expected. No worries when he comes in to spell KR. Not spectacular, but very steady. And he’s hit a few important three’s.



    ^ what Jim said

    p.s. and thank goodness. As i expected ahead of the season, we have absolutely needed him to be solid at backup 1. Even if KL could play 1, we have desperately needed him at 2.


    I’m still reading the “Last Amateurs” on PL Hoops and its decision to use schollies.

    Seems to me part of the depth problem nowadays, compared to then, is the lack of JV programs today. These were places where recruits and walk-ons could DEVELOP — while competing.

    Just because you’re 6-11, 200 at age 17 doesn’t mean you can’t be 6-11, 240 two or three years later when your body starts to mature and you get the bennies of DI meals, training, etc.


    My years at Lehigh were just before freshman eligibility. And just before we went co-ed, believe it or not. Freshman teams pretty much took care of the maturity issue in that era.

    Trivia question: Who was the kid from NYC in 1965 who led his freshman team to a win over the varsity in their annual pre-season exhibition game? The varsity was the nation’s #1 ranked team in pre-season polls.

    I know this isn’t a tough question, but I remember being astounded when it happened back in ’65. Of course in retrospect……..



    Pete Maravich


    Lew Alcindor.

    As it turned out, the UCLA varsity had no business being ranked anywhere close to #1. They had lost much of their talent from the previous year and ended up well outside of the top 20.



    Leave it to the expert :-)

    I just remember the story about how the freshman games at LSU were sold out when Maravich was a freshman and then everyone would leave for the varsity game.
    Think about these stats
    Maravich has the NCAA record for points in a career with 3,667 and he only played 3 year and before 3 pointers. While most people consider 1,000 point career as being stellar, Pete averaged over 1,200 points EVERY year.
    IMHO, he was the most exciting college basketball player ever and ppobably the most talented. May he rest in peace.


    Has anyone heard anything about the potential use of another scholarship this spring for either a class of ’16 high schooler or transfer?

    There are a lot of new guys coming into (or returning to) the program next year, so understand holding off on using it – but also seems dangerous to go into another season 2 scholarships short.



    I have absolutely no evidence of this but I think that there may be a strong chance that Doc does not have the full complement of 13 schollies. Again this is all conjecture, but when football scholarships went into effect, there were some Title IX issues which were mitigated with women’s rowing and some additional scholarships in women’s sports but I suspect that there may have been some judicious cuts in other men’s sports.
    With that being said, if Lehigh only has 12 scholarships to give out, we may be down 1 next year but there will also only be 2 graduating seniors (very key ones though). My thought is that Reed would love to split it 4 years of 3. If something ideal drops in his lap though, he would be hard pressed to turn it down. Ideally, it would be nice to find a big who has a grad year available and wants to use it here.


    Not much on media for 16 most of what I see is 17 and 18..
    Next year we have 2 sr,3 jrs,3sos and 4 fr( including the WO). Doc rarely rotates more than 8 so the shortage not a game issue,IF we dont have injuries. Puzzled by the apparent reluctance to use at least 1 of the 2 we have available. Perhaps we are holding on a recruit or 2 that haven’t committed?? With 2 seniors , would Doc hold to bring in more in 17?


    Possible perhaps but dont think so. 1 schollie not likely to alter TITLE IX ratio by much if at all Moreover, would Joe really take a schollie from a marquee sport?

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