Sixers game.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Sixers game.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by sundayamqb sundayamqb 8 years ago.

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  • #30472

    Just got home from the sixers game. Great night. I’m a big sixers fan and it was also great to watch cj. Tons of Lehigh people down there. Coach Reed actually sat one section over from me. I said hello. Overall good night. Also spotted bj bailey with coach. Does anyone know exactly what that cj tour thing is that was run. I saw Lehigh did something because there fans with that group that got into the arena earlier. I saw they were running something but didn’t look into it


    Actually just loved it up. The cj sweet 16 tour. Pretty cool. Wish I would have looked into that


    How bad did Trail Blazers look in person, TravisM?

    They’ve been stumbling badly lately, lots of TOs, few rebounds, bad shooting against inferior teams.

    Sound familiar?

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