
Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Spadola???

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    Lots of speculation over on AGS that RS suspended for Sat due to tweet language.

    No mention in Coen’s statement of a suspension. Anyone know what the hell is going on?


    I’ve only seen the rumors on AGS, but they seemed to be well placed. NCAA suspension? Maybe they don’t want a PL team to win. They sure sent the right refs to Towson to try and accomplish that.


    A suspension would be ridiculous. Besides the fact that he did not himself write the tweet, last time I checked, you could say whatever you wanted to in this country. Now, if someone chooses to make racial comments and is then ostracized, that is on them, but he did not commit any behavioral infraction. Bad judgement, clearly, but a suspension would be over the top ridiculous by the PC folks at the NCAA.



    So far there is nothing available other than rumors that Spadola got suspended.

    This would be highly unlikely.



    Lore just reported that Ryan is suspended by the ncaa for the game this Saturday.



    Perhaps the NCAA just opened up a giant can of worms.!/NCAA_Fairness/sta … 72/photo/1


    This is outrageous!

    If there’s any wiggle room, I hope someone high up at Lehigh is contesting/litigating Spadola’s right to make an ass of himself — or act like a college punk — given his right to free speech. Since I don’t know what he said, I can’t assess whether he clearly violated NCAA policy.

    I’m tired of the political correctness and police state tactics of sanctioning bodies like the NCAA; many of us see this with similar athletic sanctioning bodies at the state level. They’re always on the lookout to make bad situations into problems and "teach someone a lesson."

    I think the embarrassment caused by the release of Ryan’s statement is punishment enough. Imagine what will happen when prospective employers Google this situation. Want to sit him out for the first quarter? Fine. You’ve got kids making dirty plays and nasty hits in games getting less of a punishment. Want to suspend him for the first two games next year, fine? But to affect an NCAA championship? BOGUS!

    I just hope it serves to get Lehigh even more fired up this weekend. Some guys will have to step up even more.


    While unfair, w/o doubt, Ryan’s stupidity has resulted in in making NDSU game an almost impossible task. Best wr and rb out leaves a 1 dimensional O by Chris. Not good.

    Bottom line,altho NCAA action wrong, Ryan alone left himself and Lehigh vulnerable to NCAA action. We have become an object lesson for other coaches and players.

    Unfortunately I think this will hurt the football program going forward. Also gives academics and anti merit aid forces ammo to deemphasze sports again like we did in the early 60s. A depressing day


    "RichH" wrote: Unfortunately I think this will hurt the football program going forward. Also gives academics and anti merit aid forces ammo to deemphasze sports again like we did in the early 60s. A depressing day

    Man, your not even a glass half empty guy here. The glass is shattered. What is your reasoning for one player in one sport’s total lack of good judgement not only hurting the football program but destroying the entire sports program? Seems like a total overreaction. Kinda like the NCAA’s.

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