Spring pratice

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Spring pratice

This topic contains 7 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by RichH RichH 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Saw tody Bucknell starts practice next week. Anyone know when we start ours. It should be very shortly, , :)


    ngineer reported on AGS:

    "Lehigh’s Spring Practice commences March 25 with it’s spring Brown & White game at Goodman Stadium at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 23. Lehigh Football alumni will then have a golf tournament and dinner to close out the day."


    13 returning starters not too shabby. Key I suppose will be how well Coach K can integrate 4 new starters in DB. 2nd is the OL even with 3 starters back, losing best 2 makes it a shaky area. Time for Barket to step up and take rb slot. Appears we are pretty well set every where else. lets avoid too many injuries this time around. Some real football finally. Well at least for a month ;)

    "rising" a word that has been overused for years besides being meaningless filler it has become, at least to me, a bit more . Every time I read it in one of these pre season articles, I feel the overwhelming urge to pick up my grandfather’s shillaghy and thrash the writer senseless. :x I guess my "Irish" is "rising" ;)


    D backfield is my big worry. Would like to see Barkett and Sherman both get time and have a real running threat this year. Is it September yet?


    I agree with Coen’s observation about our secondary. We have a lot of talent coming back, though no starters. The key the secondary will be their ability to communicate and coordinate their coverages with each other. The guys who have left were back there with each other for awhile and reached a good comfort level. I suspect these new starters will have matters worked out by September. Defense is a lot easier to adapt to than offense, as it’s more of a reactive game. I’m hoping our PK game improves to where we can be a threat to hit FGs from 35-45 yards with consistency.



    The key the secondary will be their ability to communicate and coordinate their coverages with each other. The guys who have left were back there with each other for awhile and reached a good comfort level.

    In reality, the key for the secondary will be to:

    1. Allow the minimum amount of passes to be caught.


    2. Allow the minimum amount of runners to go past them.

    very simple
    very simple indeed


    From a skill standpoint it is simple. Cover the guy you’re assigned or in your zone and tackle. The area that needs focus is the coordination among the four backs as to types of coverages and rotations they employ on each play. Rotate the wrong way = blown coverage = toast. I think we’ll be fine in the secondary. The skills are there. Just need reps.


    2 new videos on LU site. Andy’s pretty interesting if not really in depth. Hopefully SID will update roster by B&W game. Rivals has early list up on kids inerested in us. A bit interesting in that kids are from all over USA, These early lists historically for us have been quite local to NE area.

    Has anyone gone to any of the sessions?

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