Status of Lehigh football scholarships

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    I attended a Lehigh function on Wednesday in Philly at which HC Andy Coen and AD Joe Sterrett were present (Andy, in fact, was a headliner). A pointed question from someone (cough, cough) was asked regarding the status and prospects for FB schollies at Lehigh specifically and the PL in general. Andy gave a supportive, but nice PC answer indicating that he would like to have them at some point. Thankfully, Paul Brown, Dean of the College of Business & Economics and moderater for this event, worked his way over to Joe Sterrett and tactfully put him on the spot. That action alone made it clear that it is a big issue on campus. To his credit, Joe did not shirk commentary or give any type of mealy-mouth answer, but rather, spoke for a few minutes on the topic, indicating that he is a huge proponent of more financial aid flexibility across the board, in general, and specifically for FB schollies. He stated that the University and President Gast were walking with the AD on this issue and that Alice is supportive. Along with the University issued release back in December of ’08 supporting scholarships when Fordham brought the issue to a head, this clearly demonstrates that Lehigh is squarely in the "FOR" camp and completely debunks some of the non-sense coming out of Pardville saying that there was no indication that LU was FOR schollies. Both Andy and Joe seemed to leave open the possibility that schollies could still be coming to the PL, so my interpretation is that it is still a matter of time, not if – that timing however, is unknown.

    It was also discussed separately that Lafayette’s Weiss really caused problems when he came out publicly in advance of the Presidents’ meeting in December "AGAINST" schollies and that that move painted him into a corner, essentially removing an opportunity for compromise or decision at that point. Weiss has also been taking considerable heat from the LC alums over this issue.

    In other topics, Andy was optimistic for this year and said that Lum is starting to approach the talent/skill levels of Stambaugh and the top Penn QB’s that he coached. Feels very good about Colvin as the backup and that he is really just this spring back at 100% post his traumatic leg injury when he was a frosh.

    Scheduling news includes the likely reappearance of Penn on the docket in ’14. Andy said he tried to renew the Nova series but couldn’t due to scheduling conflicts on their end. IMHO, Nova’s scheduling "conflicts" probably have something to do with their potential move to the Big East, so maybe we’ll see the Main Line Wildcats again if their move doesn’t happen – which seems more likely now. Also, Andy has tried to make inroads with getting Delaware on the schedule, but they won’t consider any games in Bethlehem, apparently even on a 2-1 basis. Personally, I find that stance by the Blue chicks to be most aggravating and pompous. :evil:

    That’s all I have for now.



    Thanks for the update, LUHawker. That’s a fascinating interchange you’re reporting.

    I think now that it’s May, all the spring practices are done, and six of seven schools have announced their incoming classes (only awaiting Georgetown), it seems like the time is right for football scholarships to re-enter the discussion.

    Funny that I decided to bring up Title IX enforcement as the giant impediment to PL schollies a day before your report. Something must be in the air.


    If I recall, the PL presidents are scheduled to meet as they always do twice a year in June. So maybe there may be something more to discuss in about 5 weeks.


    Thanks LUHAWKER. Nice to get face to face cofirmation of our position on merit aid. Will be nice to get Penn back on sched. Not surprised with Bluehens. It would be nice to get a home and home with a SoCon team.

    Do not expect any schollie news in June from PL, unless Gate decides to follow Rams now :? .



    Does anyone really see all seven schools moving forward in the same direction on this? Otherwise, does the league simply close up shop in football and everyone is on its own?


    All of us moving in the same direction at the same speed :o , A highly unlikely scenario. While I have no knowledge of what LC is actually doing on this issue, it does appear that they are not being at all proactive in preparing for schollies. GU while not carrying as much ideological baggage has its own monetary issues. If we do go schollie appears PL will approach it like a centipede humping along with LU and Gate at the head and GU and LC at the tail.


    I was speaking with some Lafayette friends and they were bitching about the LC administration and their inability to make a decision on anything. They’ve had a ‘Greek Study’ going on for two years now, with no end in sight as they try to get rid of fraternities one by one. As much as we complain about some of LU’s decisionmaking, I can say at least the administration tries to listen to the alums and takes their concerns into consideration. There is a real strong undercurrent of unrest among many alums from the 1950-early 80’s. They were not optimistic that LC would be onboard with the scholarship ‘thing’ as the faculty wants to be more ‘ivy-like’…smh.

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