The future of Recruiting??

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football The future of Recruiting??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lehigh74 13 years ago.

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    Stealing this idea from Bogie ( with Thanks).

    How do we avoid Fordham recruiting pitfalls? Who do we recruit next year? Full rides for some surely but partial schollies are the rule of thumb in FCS. Given our tuition , a partial at UNH cheaper than one at Lehigh. But with Nova or W&M or Wofford?



    With respect to the Fordham pitfalls reference, here is a thought. Before merit aid, Fordham’s recruiting was not as effective as ours, or even Colgate’s, Holy Cross’s or Lafayette’s IMHO. It may well be that they are recruiting better now with merit aid and that could start to show up in the next two years. I know there has been a lot of Fordham criticism, but with proper coaching, what might be?

    Second, it seems to me that with 15 merit’s available you might have a recruiting class of say 22 with 8-10 full merits 6-8 partial merits and 6-8 need based. Some combination like that.

    It’s been by thought that our merit aid recruiting class will be 80% of the same guys we would have gotten with only need based and 20% guys we lost out on due to finances.



    Obviously, it is going to be very important to wisely use the funds. I’m sure there is going to be a learning curve for all the Patriot League coaches. Our wrestling program has been giving non need based scholarships for maybe 30 years and basketball for 5 or so years. Hopefully the experience of coaches in other sports would be of some value to Andy and his staff.

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