PL posted team previews on PL site very interesting look at our competition. If you can take a look at Pards and Gate OLs very very large . Makes our assortment of Gs and Cs look rather small. Speaking of which scrimmage notes are up on last scrimmage. OL was Vuono and Schauder at T liebler at C abd Lippincott and Rugg at G. Quite an athletic group. Not a OT in the bunch. Guess if you cant go big go athletic. Kurfis and Parris look to be in the 2 deep at wr. Newton is pushing his way thru the crowd for PT Noticed Halliman the NG from Tx not on squad anymore. He was at best 3-4 string this year.
A read of scrimmage shows a patchwork in progress on O. Colvin , Sherman, Barket, McKenna all hurt. 10 days to Monmouth