Here’s a season-long exercise designed to take the focus off the negatives and accentuate the positives of our improve defense (I hope).
How can we measure improvement in the D? How about comparing opponents’ total offense in 2014 PL games compared to this year?
The challenge for you: Weigh in here, before the PL season starts, on which PL team gets the fewest yards against LU?
Last year’s total offense numbers of LU opponents:
Bucknell: 436
Georgetown: 363
Fordham: 588
Holy Cross: 306 (lost game despite 470 LU yards)
Colgate: 319
Lafayette: 500
My early pick is Holy Cross — lack of balanced attack so far — but I reserve the right to pick again before the PL season.
This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by