Tristan Rai

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Lacrosse Tristan Rai

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TMH 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    Dan Taylor who was 6th in the country last year in points/game at 4.81 scored 11 goals in his freshman year.
    Tristan Rai has 13 in his first 3 games, actually in his first 17 shots.



    After 4 games, Tristan is in a 3 way tie for 5th in the country in scoring. He is the only freshman in the top 35.
    Lehigh, as a team, is ranked 7th in the nation in scoring.



    Was this kid a top recruit, or is this a big surprise? I don’t really follow lax.



    Personally I had no expectations of Tristan in his freshman year. Spence and Pettit were far more highly touted. Tristan is a Canadian player who was in prep school in the US. He has a lot of box lacrosse experience which really promotes scoring in tight spaces.In fact, somehow he managed to make the Australian indoor lacrosse team. I don’t understand the Australian connection.

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