0-2 does not leave much room for optimism. Overmatched for 1 and unprepared for the other.
Some possible upsides – Bye gives us time to heal and get 4 starters back on D.
Coaches have added week to build on 1st 2 games and correct mistakes. 1 advantage to 2 schollie games forces team to improve game speed and get used to faster teams which we will not see this week.
Q Can Coen keep that speed for Princeton?
Princeton coming off game with a goodschollie in Citadel. An advantage for them I guess.
So far for us
QB quite shaky, which Clark will show up? This year’s or last?
RB a non factor this year Walker injured. Back for Tigers?
WR Gordon, Drwal and Zurn pretty solid betterhands than we are used to.
OL OK vs Nova should be OK but so farnot great
DL Benning great BROWN STUFFS INSIDE WELL oops! Winnett back this week which will shore up line
LBs Cohen great need Pierce, Brickner and Thomas healthy
Dbs very good and lots of depth
qb scrambles have hurt us in both games so far . Coach K likes pressure. Needs to be successful tho.
Tigers I expect LU win 27-14