Why so quiet.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Why so quiet.

This topic contains 47 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by van van 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #28201


    Just asking a question. When Lehigh loses this board is on fire. After a nice win: 21 point margin, 2nd half shutout, it seems eerily quiet



    It’s tough to talk with your mouth full….with crow.

    Just teasing!!!





    I’m flying into DC from Hawaii next week for work…this win convinced me to attend the Princeton game. Sure hope my expectations are rewarded. Puts both the Monmouth and Villanova loss into some perspective. If the 2nd half LU team played those games – we’d be 3-0.



    I was especially impressed by the drive at the end of the second quarter to tie the game at 28. Couldn’t have been more than a minute and a half left when we got the ball down 7 points. That drive, and resulting score with :00 on the clock, took the wind out of Penn’s sails. It was all LU thereafter on both sides of the ball.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  NJLehighFan.


    misery loves company!!! thats why there are zero writers… how bout great job guys!!! players played great in the second half and the coaches made necessary moves. still concerned about shaf running way too mkuch. he does not trust his arm. running qbs have short lives.



    “a win is a win and Why so quiet” threads are great. Too many wanna be experts cannot wait to voice a stupid theory and reasons on why Lehigh players and coaches suck when losing a game, Win a game and the board is virtually silent. Pathetic. Great win, proud of the 2nd half, Keep it going. This board has become a place to complain and rip vs a place to gloat……….


    Doc Qb

    Disappointing Penn redid the bathrooms….loved peeing on the walls there, ever since my first game down there as a kid. Stadium floor is dark. Doesn’t Penn have a few decent engineering programs to fix that? They have the money. They had a Heisman there to take a selfie with, and advertised it on Jumbotron…but the guard wouldn’t let me or my pregnant wife near it. D-bag.

    There, u got some complaints. We put a total game together, coaches, staff, fans who traveled in support. My expectation is still that we do it more often. We are not Bucknell or Lafayette. That is why we care. Now, let’s get another one.


    Ok gents. We get one win on the season so far and you’re all “Lehigh is on a roll, etc.”

    Personally, I wasn’t able to watch the game, but I did listen to the first half. Difficult to say how good or bad that was.

    We crushed Penn last year, so is it possible that Lehigh just has their number?

    After giving us a gazillion yards and points over the last 2+ years, might I implore you all that one great half does not a trend make?

    Nothing about the Penn game suggests to me that we have discovered a deep ball game (AC said as much in the post-game interview) and I’d like to see a few more games where the D scheme appears solid before claiming that we’ve turned the corner; it seems shockingly sudden that the D turned on a dime and we’re now NoDakState good.

    Frankly, I would have preferred to remain silent and let the fans and team enjoy the win, but since you’re all so smug about the silence, I figured I’d give you something more to agitate about.

    It was a really nice win and we should enjoy the week for that, but it’s premature to announce our resurgence after half a game.



    I admire luhawker for standing up and polluting our win with negativity. Thats okay because atleast luhawker was proud enough to keep with his opinion and voice it. All of the other negative-nellys have moved on…waiting for our next loss 4-5 weeks from now. Lehigh has not played terrible up to this point. I agree we should have beaten Monmouth but usually every season you win one your not suppose to and you also lose one your not suppose too. Anyway, I’m sure we are all hoping that the corner has been turned and we are heading in the right direction. You have to admit the first half compared to second half were total opposites. We made some good moves and BOT should be up for dc coach of the year..lol..just stirrrrring the pot a lil!!!


    [quote quote=28223]I admire luhawker for standing up and polluting our win with negativity.

    I’m not sure where all the “negativity” in my post was?

    GO – this is not just about this season or one or two games. My frustrations go back all the way back to 2014 and reflect a longer trend.

    Perhaps contrary to perceived impression here, I think the team has quite good talent so other than a few misses in the first two recruiting classes post-scholly, AC and staff recruited well on the whole.

    However, I remain concerned with the lack of consistency on D in terms of scheme and therefore which players are utilized and recruited. On O, my issues revolve around the lack of creativity and passing game style.

    If that stuff is considered negative, then I won’t be able to change your mind, but I feel rather balanced in my assessment. Feel free to disagree.



    im glad we won as well. the o finally did what was expected, and the d made stops second half. not sure why penn stopped running the qb, but im glad they did. we had no answer for it and they always converted on 3rd downs doing so. more like penn helped our d by doing so, im not sure i saw a qb run the second half. he ran 13 times for 103yds n 2 tds. our d still has major tackling problems that a good team will exploit with good skill guys. princeton has good skill guys. hope the d can keep them under 35 points. and EVERYONE has seen 17 is weakest link, surely the coaches have as well, doubt it though



    [quote quote=28221]Ok gents. We get one win on the season so far and you’re all “Lehigh is on a roll, etc.”

    Personally, I wasn’t able to watch the game, but I did listen to the first half. Difficult to say how good or bad that was.[/quote]

    Have we finally cracked the code: that when LUHawker stops listening to the game, the D becomes the Steel Curtain?


    [quote quote=28248]

    Ok gents. We get one win on the season so far and you’re all “Lehigh is on a roll, etc.”

    Personally, I wasn’t able to watch the game, but I did listen to the first half. Difficult to say how good or bad that was.

    Have we finally cracked the code: that when LUHawker stops listening to the game, the D becomes the Steel Curtain?


    If that is the case, I’ll do my part and just watch the game on replay. :)


    One quibble. IIR Andy said they were looking to utilize the deep ball vs Penn but . Sounded to me that there was no need to as we were getting everything else. Didn’t notice Penn Ss but assume they were staying on top for ling passes to TP.

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