Yale clips Jordan Jefferson LB recruit from Cal

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Yale clips Jordan Jefferson LB recruit from Cal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by RichH RichH 15 years, 9 months ago.

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    According to list released by Yale, Jefferson switched to IL. Tough loss for us he was the best lb recruit for us this yr


    Dont usually reply to my own posts, but checked LU roster jefferson off and of course the normal changes in hts and wts from the last roster of a couple of weeks ago. Amazing. Also why is it we seem to lose a player or 2 every few yrs,while other PL do not seem to be so afflicted?



    Check the Lafayette Board for a blow by blow of all the players who have left their program.


    LC has their own problems with retention now. I was referring to losing recruits before they even geton campus


    Losing some of these recruits before they arrive is an indicator of the good quality of recruit we’re "almost" getting, only to be outspent by the opposition. Yale has a virtual open check book. If the family income is 100K or less, the player gets a free ride. We don’t have the mulah to play with them. Same the other year when we lost a real star sprinter/WR to got a full scholarship to run track at a PAC-10 school.
    Similarly, I heard today we lost two blue chip wrestling recruits due to our inablility to give a ‘free ride’. Giving someone 1/2 a scholarship at a school that costs $50K/year still leaves the family having to pay about $25K which is still more expensive than getting no scholarship at Penn State.


    Hard to compare fb and wrestling as we do give max # of merit rides allowed. Always going to lose some cause you are right 1/2 or 3/4 need aid still more expensive than a full ride anywhere or same % at cheaper school.

    I guess it is sort of a lefthanded compliment that we lose some every so often. I would liketo stealone from Yale. Guess that wont happen as we cant outspend them. Merit aid , the promised land of alumni, then we could get some.

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