Game Notes's%20Basketball/2017-18/9%20-%20Yale%20at%20Lehigh%20Notes%20120617.pdf?_ga=2.125613898.1536679245.1512490836-1620552556.1510069857
Yale (4-5 in D-1) Ranked 120th
Lehigh (3-4 in D-1) Ranked 187th
Yale wins by 1 (78-77)
With 8 games in the book (7 if you count only D-1 opponents) and a good chance (39% to 81%) to win one of more of our final three OOC contests, you have to be thrilled with our prospects of finishing with 5 or more W’s. It wasn’t long ago, many of us were simply hoping for four. All this against an OOC Schedule ranked 58th toughest in the nation and two returning starters from last year. Not bad.
Fun Fact
Our 5th guard in terms of both playing time (18.9 mpg) and scoring (6.8ppg), Caleb Bennett, leads the team in both FG% @ .606 and 3FG% @ .571. When warranted, a 4-G Offense can’t be far off.