We break down the Columbia game - and we give our fearless prediction, below the flip.
WEATHER UPDATE: The weather situation for this weekend is evolving at this point, though the high of 68 and the 30% chance of showers remain. Isolated thundershowers are now in the possible weather forecast for this weekend, so pack appropriately. I happen to think that the weather will hold steady, and if it does, it will be an excellent October day at the stadium, which also happens to be "NCAA Take a Kid to the Game" day.
And when you do, Joe Uliana, ambassador to the Lehigh football program, also has this to say:
Off the field, we will be honoring the 55th Anniversary of the 1957 Lambert Cup Team at our pregame tailgate at the Rust Pavilion. Sixteen members from the team will be back and they will be honored on the field at halftime. If you are coming to the game, please stop by the Rust Pavilion to say hello to everyone and to tailgate with other former Lehigh Football players. Also, the annual Jim Mahlbacher ’80 Scholarship fundraiser held by the Delta Upsilon brothers and players will be held this weekend. Their tailgate area is near the Rust Pavilion so please stop by and say hello to them as well.
Let's now dive into the breakdown of the young Lions.
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