We break down the Yale game - and we give our fearless prediction, below the flip.
All week everyone's been tracking the progress of a potential superstorm, hurricane Joaquin. While the main concern, of course, is the safety of everyone in the hurricane's path, people are also wondering whether the storm will be affecting the game this weekend in the form of wind or rains.
It turns out, if the tracking goes the way the majority models are indicating, that Lehigh's 12:30 game at Murray Goodman might not only escape the rain, but there might not be any showers to speak of.
In the latest hour by hour at Weather.com, the forecast actually only has modest showers in the morning, ending by 11:00 AM (just in time for tailgating), and remaining partly cloudy all the way until 4:00 PM on Saturday, an absolute perfect window for the football game and Goodman stadium homecoming activities.
In short, it's increasingly looking like the storm will either move very slowly through the Caribbean, or take a sharp right turn and head so far out to sea that the worst of the winds of the storm will miss the Lehigh Valley completely. Though the situation is still serious along the Eastern shore, at Murray Goodman it is actually, against all earlier odds, looking like good weather.
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