As you may have heard, our family has been blessed with a new puppy. As you probably have not heard, puppies require 7AM walks to do their business, and puppies don't care if you're tired, upset, frustrated, or angry.
At 7AM on Sunday, I exited the house with the dog, and promptly ran into another entirely too happy dog owner walking his dog.
My inner Clark Kent-ish personality jumped to the front, somehow pasting an easygoing smile on my face, packing away all the frustration of Saturday's game as I made smalltalk about being a dog owner, the same smalltalk that dog owners have probably been making about dogs since dogs showed up in our caves thousands of years ago.
It wasn't a bad conversation - I didn't regret having it, even though it was unmemorable. I was glad to share some goodwill with the neighbors. But it did demonstrate to me what sports fans have to do in this age when our teams are struggling. You have to be able to put your fan alter ego away to get through life.
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