It's what we do every week: copiously go over the opposing game notes and analyze the upcoming game matchup. One thing that has been undoubtedly very cool about this rare West Coast game for the Mountain Hawks is how great the Aggies have been in terms of getting out game notes, cool content celebrating the 1977 Division II semifinal, and even local press (I see you, Davis Enterprise).
We live in a world where local press is dying, along with it the written word about previewing what are interesting, fun sporting matchups. This week has been refreshingly fun, and easy to break down, thanks to all the content celebrating the first meeting, and previewing the upcoming meeting. It's great to see two football communities from across the country come together for a week of good-spirited competition.
A special shout-out has to go to The Davis Enterprise again for the incredible pictures of not only the Division II semifinal game but also the eerie, foggy atmosphere of the morning. They are absolute treasures and really bring the game to amazing life. Don't just go to that for the pictures alone - also by all means read their extensive preview of tomorrow's game as well. But few pictures leave me speechless. The five that they provided with the article did.
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