We break down Monnmoth after the flip.
Going into the first game of the season there are oodles of storylines on both teams.
One important storyline from Monmouth coming from Hawks coach Kevin Callahan is that Monmouth has a brutal eight road games in the 2016 season, thanks to construction being done on their home field, Monmouth Stadium.
With all the focus on defense in the run-up to this game, senior OL Zach Duffy also talked a bit about that the offense is raring to go as well.
"It's the most productive camp I've been in the past four years I've been here,, he told Keith Groller of The Morning Call. "We were put in a position to get a lot of good [strength and conditioning] work in. We have a lot of experience with a lot of guys returning and that's especially important up front where we have three guys returning including myself. And then we have junior WR Troy Pelletier, Shaf [senior QB Nick Shafnisky] and sophomore RB Dom Bragalone. I think we're in a really good spot entering Week 1. A lot of that has to do with the work we put in during the offseason. We didn't want to be happy with how last year ended and we didn't want to get complacent. We put in a lot of hard work and stayed motivated and I think that says a lot about the leadership we have on this team."
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