When you are looking to make the NFL, every moment, and every all-star game and combine, matters.
This past week, former Lehigh star WR Ryan Spadola, who is currently looking to be one of those guys that play on Sundays, looked to make every moment of his appearance in the Texas vs. The Nation All-Star game matter.
That didn't just mean the game itself, where Ryan's stat line read 1 catch for 8 yards, a pass from Tulane QB Ryan Griffin, or the outcome, which was a 24-13 win for the (appropriately named) Nation team over Texas.
(In a strange twist of fate, Ryan didn't wear the gold helmet of Lehigh at the game, but more on that later.)
It also meant the positive press in the run-up to the game, and the large number of scouts available to see their progress.
In my exclusive Q&A with Ryan about his experience, I talk to him about his experience with the game, what he's been doing, and what's next for the Lehigh star.
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