Having blamed her, perhaps unfairly, for the death of Kurt Cobain, I never really was able to really enjoy the music of Courtney Love's band "Hole".
(A fresh listen to "Doll Parts" later, I'm further discovering that I'm still not really enjoying her music today, either, though I'm sure the female angst in her songs really wasn't intended for me, anyway.)
As a Lehigh fan this weekend, it also wasn't very enjoyable to see the Mountain Hawks dig themselves into a seven-turnover "hole" either.
But a funny thing happened about this weekend's game. Sure, Lehigh dug themselves in a giant "hole", there's no denying that. But just like they have every other week, they dug themselves out of it - which, in the end, was the most important thing.
The ability to dig yourself out of a hole is not something most teams can do.
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