Sunday’s Word: Missing

There have been a lot of movies called "Missing" over the years, but none are as powerful as the Jack Lemmon/Sissy Spacek movie from 1982, still one of the best political dramas brought to the screen.

It's not an easy watch from director Costa-Gavras, but it's a gripping political tale, based on a true story about a leftist sympathizer who disappeared in Chile in 1973 in the run-up to Augusto Pinochet's military coup.  Lemmon plays the father who travels to Chile to find out the truth in a place where the truth is hard to sort out.

My own version of "missing", involving the Lehigh game this weekend, is a whole lot less dramatic.  It was no modern tragedy. It was not as important.  But from this strange experience of "missing" a Lehigh football game, I learned a lot more about myself that I would have ever imagined.
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