The 2015 Patsy Ratings – Georgetown’s Class of 2019

When Georgetown's envelope appeared at the Committee's relatively empty offices, the businesswoman who looked suspiciously like Nicki Minaj was shocked.

That's because the envelope looked like someone had stuffed a copy of War and Peace inside of it.

"There's no question that this is unusual," Art told her.  "I remember the days when the Battleship Grey's entire recruiting class was released late on a Friday afternoon in May, with all the corroborating information on the class contained on a 3x5 index card.  This is.... different."

The businesswoman nodded.  "I honestly wasn't counting on needing to do this much work with Georgetown's class," she said.  "Looks like we're going to have to put on another cup of nasty coffee.  And don't cross me."

"Huh?" Art said.

"You know," the businesswoman said.  "I was thinking that I was just going to put Georgetown last in the rankings before I even did them.  I'm thinking now that they're going to be one of the best classes in this year's Patsy Ratings."

"I agree," Art said.  "Do we have to do the breakfast defector thing again, or can we charge a new round of pulled pork sandwiches to the Committee's account again?"

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