Where were you during the last Patsy Party at Lehigh?
It coincided with morning cocktails, I think - the actual memory is hazy, a gauzy film hanging over the proceedings like Vaseline over the eyelids.
It involved neon - a very large amount of neon, as Lehigh's incoming class was announced in the morning, lights on Murray Goodman's video scoreboard. (The neon light, I think, came from the generator trucked into the stadium to fuel the temporary lights and scoreboard, of course.)
The actual party I was actually able to recreate through my Flickr feed on my phone. Somewhere, there was a printout of several "LFN Drinks of the week" and a 1962 Freshman Dink dyed neon purple, probably because the undergrads at the time didn't think Brown and White was an appropriate color for the party. And there was the blue curacao, of course, which made one of the concoctions that I don't exactly remember.
Today, there is no blue curacao as the thin, typewritten letter with the "Lehigh" letterhead came to the Committee's door. Somewhere, a microwave rang out as the steel-cut oatmeal reheated from yesterday was complete.
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