I had grown accustomed to the fanfare around the Patsy ratings.
I remembered that year when the Committee had Pitbull perform right by the pool, announcing the winner of that year's Patsies - the Colgate Red Raiders, he erroneously said (by then, they had rebranded to just "Raiders". )
The Walking Dead-colored mascot clad in Maroon embraced Pitbull as the fireworks exploded all around the pool. The champagne flowed. Caviar was consumed. Shoe pastry was eaten. "Colgate, we were born to be free," Pitbull ad-libbed.
What a difference compared to this year.
The Patsies came in a brown paper bag, thrown under the door of the Committee's offices. Granted, the bag was thick - it appeared that they indeed did research, more so than the Pitbull years, it seems. But the fanfare was gone. All that was left were the numbers.
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