Reply To: American U. – Game 5

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball American U. – Game 5 Reply To: American U. – Game 5


Tough L. They played ok, not great. Reading Doc’s quote about switching all screens it is disappointing there wasn’t a stronger contest on the PeeWee shot.

Tim did a better job finishing than he has recently and put up a very nice line.

JG really struggled, dropping a couple of passes that would have led to easy hoops.

The unforced turnovers (throwing the ball away on the perimeter for a backcourt, AP being lazy/sloppy and getting his pocket picked late game) are really tough to swallow. Also, does anyone else think this team (TK, JG, and BA come to mind) gets a ton of travelling violations?

I could see a couple of transfers at the end of the year, but I don’t foresee any sort of mass exodus. The AU 7 man rotation is pretty crazy, as three of their guys are amongst the top players in the country for minutes – I don’t see them as representative of a normal program. The team hasn’t been playing well, so I applaud Reed for being willing to give other guys a shot.