Reply To: Small Facelift-Goodman Stadium

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Small Facelift-Goodman Stadium Reply To: Small Facelift-Goodman Stadium


LFN is right; this is an issue also at soccer games, where there are no breaks in the action.

Also, most sporting venues nowadays have great food options — from items that represent the community to local beers.

It’s time Goodman get real. Why not have a small place to dine upstairs? Might be worth it if you could get more games/events there. Concerts? Exhibition soccer? U.S. National Team friendlies? U23 games?

At the Iron Pigs stadium, the second deck has an indoor bar/eating area.

Crazy ideas, maybe, but …

I like the idea of putting the press box on the other side. That side is usually amazingly desolate.