Reply To: PL Honors

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL Honors Reply To: PL Honors



Todd, I think this post was very overlooked. Few things to be really excited about.

1) We have the best big man and best PG in the league, for this year, and one more.
2) KL looks to project to a high teen level scorer in his next 3 seasons, and has had a great freshman season, getting a ton of minutes.
3) TK is an overwhelming favorite to be the only 3 time PL POY. 3 of the 4 two time winners had or are having productive NBA careers (CJ, MM and Foyle). TK looks like he will leave Lehigh as the best big man ever to put on a uniform. Hoping we get 2 NCAA apperances from him.
4) All of our PL honorees are back next season.

Finally, I think we need to give a lot of credit to the coaching staff in the area of recruiting. They have been able to bring in a steady stream of really talented kids over the last 7-8 years. They hit the jackpot with the HG, CJM, and GK class, but have continued it with AP,TK and KR. And, also had MM in there, and other earlier players than the CJ era. Really a top notch job of bringing big time talent to Lehigh.