Reply To: PLT Final – HC

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PLT Final – HC Reply To: PLT Final – HC



Listen…sure there is disappointment. For the third time in only a few month we just missed out on a major championship. I attended the game however and the kids laid it all out on the line. For 11 games in a row, that was enough. Last night Holy Cross played a very inspired defense. It wasn’t just the 1-3-1. It was the match up zone that was the great equalizer (it usually is). There were very few uncontested shots.
As I’ve gotten older, there is one thing I’ve learned. If your favorite team losing a basketball game is the worst thing happening in your life, then you are blessed.
My hat is off to both the Holy Cross Crusaders and the Lehigh Mountainhawks providing me with a very entertaining, hard fought game.
BTW, the crowd was electric. The student section was incredible. I just hope at least some of that carries over to next year when this Lehigh squad has the potential of being very special.