Archive For The “Brett Snyder” Category

Too often, we define football players by statistics.
As sports obsessives, we try to come up with figures and metrics to measure people, their contributions and their relative worth. QB rating, yards per carry, tackles for loss – all numbers of measurement.
Fans forget that there are human beings behind all of those numbers. They don’t encapsulate what it is to be a football player, teammate, person, fighter, boyfriend, husband, and father.
Brett Snyder, who passed away this past Sunday at the age of 41, spent his entire life proving, successfully, that numbers don’t matter.
He spent a lifetime going beyond mere numbers and showing that heart, fight, perseverance, and touching as many lives as possible in a positive way is much more important.
It is the toughness you bring to life, the faith you show, and celebrating life’s blessings that mean everything.
I learned this through Brett’s extraordinary life.
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It’s been called “slacktivism”.
It’s been called narcissism masked as charity.
But the “ice bucket challenge”, which has torn its way in the amazing span of three week from a thing that college athletes and coaches were doing to a world-wide phenomenon, is nothing to cynically wag your finger at.
During the last few weeks, a multitude of Lehigh coaches, players, media members, and even athletic director Joe Sterrett have taken the icy bucket of water over their heads.
In doing so, they have done incredible good in raising awareness about an awful disease that really needs all the help it can get in regards to a cure.
I know this because I didn’t just start giving to ALS causes in the last two weeks.
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Last week, before the Lehigh/Princeton game, I stopped in to check on a friend, who just happened to be at the Rust Pavillion.FB Brett Snyder, a hero of mine, was there to raise some funds for his ongoing effort to beating ALS, a disease he was diagnos…