Archive For The “Ed Czekaj” Category

In the news last week came, essentially, four new claims of abuse that happened at the hands of Gerald Sandusky while he employed as a linebackers coach at Penn State.
All are, at a bare minimum, troubling, and they invite the question “who knew what, and when” in terms of these allegations.
Three of the allegations, however, are worthy of further examination because they could demonstrate that the administrators at the time, which would include former athletic directors Ed Czekaj and Jim Tarman, violated the law.
It also could eventually – though nothing has surfaced yet – implicate Joe Paterno.
With the very important caveat being we don’t know everything, we do seem to have enough to bring some context to the goings-on inside Penn State’s athletic department during the last 40 years. The only clear fact was that child sex allegations weren’t handled with the respect they deserved.
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