Archive For The “Grantland” Category

I remember, growing up, having the covers of Sports Illustrated on the wall.
Growing up outside of the county, Sports Illustrated for me was a vital link back home, to America. It allowed me, a stranger in a country not my own, to stay connected to the sports I otherwise would have lost contact with.
Back then, I pored over the weeks-old issues, reading accounts of games that were long in the past.
I’d read pieces by Frank Deford and Rick Reilly – my only link to an active sports culture back home. (That and Armed Forces Radio on the short-wave made me feel American.)
They kept me engaged, connected, in a world where American football was just that – American – and sports in general had a different emphasis.
Those days feel very far away, coming up into this Christmas season – an era away.
And my boyhood dreams of appearing one day in Sports Illustrated, too, still seem very far away – and different.
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