Archive For The “Michael Dereus” Category

We break down the Georgetown game – and we give our fearless prediction below the flip.
Normally, we don’t need to break out the Las Vegas betting lines to motivate Lehigh football players. But in this very special case, it seems worthy to make an exception.
The people who make a living betting on the outcomes of sporting contests have seen Georgetown, yes, Georgetown, set up as 14 point favorites to beat Lehigh.
Don’t believe me? Check it out.
You know what else is interesting? The line started out with Georgetown only 4 point favorites. Over the course of the last 48 hours, apparently, so much money has come in on Georgetown that it has actually swelled to a 14 point difference.
If there was ever a concrete indicator that there are a lot of people that believe Lehigh will fail this weekend, and fail by more than two touchdowns, this is it.

We break down the Georgetown game – and we give our fearless prediction below the flip.
Normally, we don’t need to break out the Las Vegas betting lines to motivate Lehigh football players. But in this very special case, it seems worthy to make an exception.
The people who make a living betting on the outcomes of sporting contests have seen Georgetown, yes, Georgetown, set up as 14 point favorites to beat Lehigh.
Don’t believe me? Check it out.
You know what else is interesting? The line started out with Georgetown only 4 point favorites. Over the course of the last 48 hours, apparently, so much money has come in on Georgetown that it has actually swelled to a 14 point difference.
If there was ever a concrete indicator that there are a lot of people that believe Lehigh will fail this weekend, and fail by more than two touchdowns, this is it.

Before the game, the Lehigh sports social media team had some graphics ready for a record that senior WR Troy Pelletier had a high probability of breaking today.
Troy, or “The Doctor”, as I call him, had to get 60 yards receiving to beat the Patriot League record for receiving yardage.
After he skied past that record, the social media folks had to keep assembling a lot more graphics.
By the end of the game, more records would be falling left and right. The career Patriot League touchdown record – the first time since 2001 since a Lehigh player nabbed 4 touchdown receptions in a game. Somewhere in the fourth quarter, he’d grab his 16th reception, breaking his own record for receptions in a game.
In the end, Lehigh cruised, never trailing in a 54-28 win over the Hoyas, but the story was Pelletier, whose amazing 16 catch, 197 yard, 4 TD game was the talk afterwards.