Archive For The “SEC” Category
I love the NCAA tournament, usually.
I play in the office pool, but more than just that, I emotionally get involved with the games. Yes, that’s not an exaggeration. Emotionally involved. I stand up and yell at the TV set for teams located in places I’ve never visited, becoming hoarse for schools I didn’t attend, cheering for Cinderellas I didn’t know existed a month before.
Like most of America, I have fallen in love with the underdog narrative – the plucky, underdog story we’ve all seen in Hoosiers and Little Giants and countless good, bad, and terrible sports movies over the last fifty years.
And as a fan of my alma mater, Lehigh, I guess I live this underdog story on a near-daily basis. Lehigh is almost always the “smaller school” in all their NCAA athletics contests, whether it’s wrestlers going against the semi-pros of Penn State and Iowa, or the football team going against the 100+ scholarshipped players of Yale or Princeton.
That has to be why, after standing up through two overtimes, yelling at my TV and imploring a bunch of college athletes I do not know to somehow take down one of the richest schools of the country, I felt sick.
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You didn’t ask me, Alexis De Tocqueville wannabes, but to understand the American people you need to experience three things.
The talk around collegiate athletics is “Division 4”, after “Big 5” commissioners Mike Silve, John Swofford and Bob Bowlsby floated the idea of a new subdivision over the past few weeks.
Normally the talk of the big conferences breaking off from the rest of FBS would elicit so much yawning from the likes of Patriot League schools.
Unless, of course, you’re on the table for Division 4 membership.
No, this isn’t a typo, or a crazy theory. Sportswriters are contemplating what Division 4 might look like, and the Patriot League is being contemplated as a possible league to be a part of that subdivision.
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