Reply To: getting close

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Just a fan the starting corners are Leaks and Rigauld, thats penciled in. With Lawson and jones at the safeties. ALL played last yr so HOPE for improvement. Siegenthaler is a nice player that was hurt majority of last yr and i really thought he wouldve played last yr. Redmond switched from RB(HS) to CB last yr, he had learning curve, so i expect more from him as well. I can see the Lynn getting PT on the Dline with that 290 frame. ALOT of defensive players were on campus during the 2 summer sessions. The kids are committed to improving. I think this yr will shock some people. LU was behind the other PL schools IMO of not playing the scholly kids sooner, and being loyal to a fault to the upperclassmen. With three scholly classes in, they have not choice ;) We have ALOT of talent that didnt get a shot, they will this yr!

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by  LehighGuy.