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Someone mentioned great GPAs …

Here are a couple of quick numbers I ran:

Percentage of LU football players with engineering majors:
2015: 12 percent
2006: 16 percent
2003: 18 percent

No wonder we’re the Mountain Hawks.

Interest in the business school seems to have picked up, 40 percent in 2002 to 49 percent this year.

I couldn’t find anything older quickly. Can anyone else find rosters from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s? Is there a trend?

My recollection was that when I was in school, we had more engineers. Their GPAs were lower, and took classes in the business or arts colleges to get a lift. (Think three decades of Law of the Press with Prof. McFadden.)

Does the relative lack of engineers — along with increased help for athletes — affect GPAs?